City Government
About Kamas
The word “Kamas” is derived from an Indian word for a bulbous plant that was a staple of the diet of the Native Americans in the area. The word was also said to describe a small grassy plain among the hills, an appropriate portrait of the Kamas Valley.
The first permanent settlement of the Kamas area occurred when Thomas Rhoade, George W. Brown, and their families spent the winter of 1860-61 on the Rhoades Ranch, which was located about 1 1/2 miles north of the present center of the City of Kamas. Other Mormon settlers who came to the valley with Rhoades, or soon after, included W.O. Anderson, Alma Williams, Clinton Williams, John Turnbow, John Simpson, Morgan Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Richard Venable, Richard Pangburn, and John Lambert and their families.
The town of Kamas was surveyed and divided into town lots in 1871 by G. A. Cooper, Engineer. Kamas was incorporated as a city on July 5, 1911. A blueprint of the town was made and proceedings recorded in Coalville on June 4, 1912. The first mayor was James Orlan Pack.
During the early years, settlers struggled to survive, but gradually created a self-sustaining economy through lumbering, dairying, raising of stock, the milling of flour, and merchandising.
History books are available for $15 at the Kamas City Hall.