City Council Meetings
Council Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Agenda's and More
Planning Commission Meetings
Planning Commission Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday each month.
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News And Events
NOTICE - Kamas City is now accepting sealed bids for the lease of water shares for Beaver Shingle Creek Irrigation Co. water in the Thorn Creek Ditch. These leases will be for the 2025, 2026, and 2027 irrigation seasons.
We are now accepting reservations for the
Kamas City Event Center. For more information click here
To make a reservation call the City Hall, 435-783-4630
Current Kamas City water restrictions:
No watering between 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Violation Fees
1st Notice: Warning
2nd Notice: $100 Fine
3rd Notice: $500 Fine
4th Notice: Shut Off
6.07.010 Snow Removal Regulations
Policy for Snow Removal: It is unlawful for any person, their employees, agents and contractors to deposit, haul, push, blow or otherwise deposit snow accumulated on private property, public Right of Way, sidewalk, or any other location on the paved travel lane of the City Streets.
Penalties for Violations: Violation of this Ordinance is a class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of $150 for a first offense and $300 for each additional offense.
10.10.050. Seasonal limitations for parking
Special winter limitations. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street in Kamas City during the winter season designated as November thru April 1st. Vehicles so parked are subject to citation and or impoundment.
Parking not to obstruct snow removal. It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle in a manner that obstructs snow removal by failing to leave adequate room for passage of plows and other removal equipment. Vehicles so parked are subject to citation and or impoundment.
Winter Water: Leave your water trickling to prevent frozen water lines, November – April
Kamas City Water System 2023 CCR
Paper copies available at the City Hall
Job Openings
Police Job Announcement – Part Time
Public Notices